Articles, publications

Digital Citizenship: A Holistic Primer
White Paper
This white paper features the work of Impero Software and the three co-directors of the Digital Citizenship Institute (Drs. Marialice Curran, Mike Ribble and Jason Ohler). "It defines digital citizenship, describes its important role in education today and in the future, and offers specific examples of schools and colleges that are teaching it well."

Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century
Fielding Monograph Series
This monograph features the work of six researchers from the Fielding Media Psychology PhD program who have helped illuminate the world of digital citizenship and social change. Each has approached research from a very different perspective, including the virtual communities found in the World of Warcraft, Tweet-generated narratives, and teens' perceptions of living media saturated lifestyles.
On Amazon: Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century.

The Uncommon Core
Essential creativity skills, grammar of new meedia missing from Common Core ELA standards
This Ed Leadership article explores what the Common Core is missing, and how the CC reflects current misconceptions about the nature of literacy in a post multi-media society. It focuses on the need for creativity, and new media perspective and skills as the key components of any approach to being educatred in the 21st century and beyond. And it makes the case that in a visual age, art has become the 4th R.
Read in: Educational Leadership, February 2013.

The Power and Peril of Web 3.0
It's not just a matter of semantics
"We have gone from information underload to over-load in 25 years, and I have to wonder if we’re any better off than we were before. There simply isn’t time to read a fraction of the content available, let alone to reflect on it or determine whether it’s fact, political spin, or total hooey.
"Enter the Semantic Web, often called Web 3.0, which has the potential to come much closer to World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee’s original conception of a universal network in which computers adapt to humans rather than the other way around."

Character Education for the Digital Age
Should we teach our students to have two lives or one?
"Our current technological trajectory promises unfathomable, roller-coaster innovation with no braking system. While the ride is exciting, it moves so quickly that we typically don't have time to think about the possible unintended consequences that might accompany it...we find ourselves unable to effectively respond to hot-button issues like cyberbullying and sexting because they seem to come out of nowhere.
"Our challenge is to find ways to teach our children to navigate the rapidly moving digital present, consciously and reflectively. Meeting this challenge depends on addressing the fundamental question about teaching our digital-age children: Should we teach our children to have two lives, or one?"
Read in: Educational Leadership, February 2011.
More Articles, Blogs, Reports
Introduction to Learning Without Classrooms by Kelly and McCain
Interview with Tessa Jolls, Consortium for Media Literacy, Oct., 2017.
A Series about Digital Citizenship. Teaching4Tomorrow, Spring 2017.
Digital Citizenship: Leading Us Into Character Education Version 2.0., February 2017.
Digital Citizenship in the 21st Century - Fielding Monograph Series. 2015.
Big Ideas Newsletter- The Future is Just Getting Started. Monthly newsletter.
The World of Digital Storytelling. In, Exploring Research for Effective Literacy Instruction in the Elementary Grades by Coffee-Snyder, ed. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt, 2015.
Digital Citizenship: An Opportunity for Everyone. Council of International Schools, October 2012; Corwin Connect, September 2015.
Introduction to Schools Without Classrooms, by Jukes, McCain, & Kelly. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Projected publication date: 2017.
Introduction to, Digital Citizenship in Schools, 2nd ed. by Mike Ribble. Eugene: ISTE, 2015.
Introduction to Making School a Game Worth Playing by Schaaf and Mohan. Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2015.
The Long Trek Upstairs - How Life Without Oxygen Changes Everything. Medum. 2015.
Novo Pilar da Educação: Arte. Inside Chapel, Issue 10, March 2015.
Augmented Reality Art Gallery. School Arts Magazine, Davis Publications, March 2014.
Beyond the Gallery Wall – An Augmented Reality Art (ARt) Gallery. Learning and Leading with Technology. Eugene: ISTE (Intl Society for Technology in Education), April 2014.
The Uncommon Core: Essential creativity skills and the grammar of new media are missing from the Common Core English Language Arts Standards. Educational Leadership, ASCD, February 2013.
Storytelling and New Media from Aristotle to Augmented Reality, by Isbouts and Ohler. In The Oxford Handbook of Media Psychology, Ed. Dill, Oxford University Press, 2013.
Should Schools be Required to Teach Digital Citizenship? Learning and Leading with Technology, ISTE (Intl Society for Technology in Education), December 2012.
Digital Citizenship Means Character Education for the Digital Age. Kappa Delta Pi, Centennial Issue, Fall 2011.
La Educación del Carácter en la Era Digital. Eduteka, May, 2011.
Character Education for the Digital Age - Should we teach our kids to have two lives or one? Educational Leadership, February 2011.
The Power and Peril of Web 3.0 - The Semantic Web Comes to Education. Learning and Leading with Technology, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), May, 2010.
New Media Literacies. Academe, June 2009. Published by the American Association of University Professors.
The Greening of the Digital Landscape. Computer Education Journal, 2009. Published by NAACE, United Kingdom; ICE, 2009.
New Media Literacies in Higher Education. Academe, AAUP; May, 2009
Literacy 2.0- Orchestrating the Media Collage. Educational Leadership, 2009. Published by ASCD.
Alfabetismo digital: un decálogo para la acción. Aula - De Innovacion Educativa, Julio-Augusto 2009.
The Semantic Web in Education. Educause Quarterly, 2008. Published by EduCause.
El Arte De Contar Historias Virtuales. El Educador, Año 4, n.º14, julio 2008.
From Text to Art in Everyday Communication. School Arts, February 2008.
The Future of Learning Systems? Redefining System. Computer Education Journal, 2007. Published by NAACE, United Kingdom.
Traditional Storytelling Goes Green Screen. National Storytelling Magazine, 2007.
Art, Storytelling and the Digital Economy. School Arts, October 2007.
The World of Digital Storytelling. Education Leadership Journal, 2006. Published by ASCD. Este artículo traducido a español.
Distance Education at UAS - A Case Study, Journal of Distance Education, Volume 20, Issue 1, Spring 2005; co-authored with Lynne Schrum.
Who's afraid of distance education? In G. Kearsley (Ed.), Online learning: Personal reflections on the transformation of education, 2004, Educational Technology Publications.
DOA: Education in the electronic culture. Forward, for JP Davies book, Oxford: Scarecrow, 2003.
Art Becomes the 4th R. Red Dot - A Visual Arts Magazine. Oct.-Nov., 2001.
Voice to Text Technology- Transforming Education. Technology and Learning, November 2002.
A Buyer's Market: Education in the New Economy. The State Education Standard, 2001. Published by The National Association of School Boards of Education.
A Conversation on Technology Leadership. Technology and Learning Magazine, 2001.
The Problem With Our Gods. TECHNOS Quarterly, Volume 10, No. 3, Fall 2001.
Virtual Learning. Technology and Learning, November 2001.
A Matter of Degree. Technos Quarterly, 2001. Published by AIT Press.
Taming the Beast and the Case of the E-Book. The Futurist, January/February 2001.
Art: The 4th "R." Instructor, v110 n5 p76-79 Jan-Feb 2001
Art Becomes the 4th R. Education Leadership Journal, 2000. Educational Leadership, ASCD. Este artículo traducido a español.
Taking Back the Future from Technology. Education Digest, 2000.
A Primer for Taming the Beast: Using Technology Effectively, Creatively and Wisely. Independent School Journal, 2000.
A Matter of Degree. TECHNOS Quarterly, Winter 2000.
A Primer on Taming the Beast. TECHNOS, v8 n3 p16-20 Fall 1999
Taming the Beast: Why Technology Evokes Anxiety. AFT ON CAMPUS, Vol. 19, No. 4, 1999.
The Promise of Midi Technology - Reflections on Musical Intelligence. Learning and Leading with Technology, 1998. Read the reprinted article.
The 4 Rs: Why Art Needs to Become a Foundational Literacy in a World of Multimedia. Communication Arts, March/April 1998.
Online Community. EduTech 96. Conference Proceedings; Keynote. Prague. May, 1996.
The Four Rs: Preparing Kids for the World of Work in the Age of Multimedia. ArtsEdNet, Getty Education Institute for the Arts, Fall 1996.
The 4 Rs -- Making Art the Next Literacy in the Multimedia Age. TECHNOS Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer 1996.
Chapter 11. Using Telecommunications in Education. Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine / Volume 2, Number 4 / April 1, 1995 / Page 6
Strategic Plans for the Use of Modern Technology in the Education of American Indian and Alaskan Natives students. Berg and Ohler. In Indian Nations at Risk, US DOE, 1992. The entire reprint.
Why Distance Education? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1991. Full reprinted article.
Online Rights. Policy Briefs: North Central Regional Education Laboratory, No. 5. 1990.
Distance Education and the Transformation of Schooling. Living and Learning in the Information Age. Office of Technology Assessment, 1989.
What's Online for Educators? Home Education Magazine. V. 6, No. 6. 1989.
Distance Education Comes Home: The Decentralized Learner Comes of Age. International Council for Distance Education, Conference Proceedings, 1988.
When Distance Education Comes Home. ED - The Distance Education Network Report. v.2, no.1, 1988.
Getting Your Computers to Talk to Each Other. The Computing Teacher. Journal of The International Council of Computers in Education. v14, No. 8. May 1987.
The Many Myths of Programming. The Computing Teacher. Journal of The International Council of Computers in Education. v14, No. 8. May 1987.
Laptops, Networks, and the Evolution of Education. Electronic Learning, 1986.
The Online Chronicle of Distance Learning and Communication, 1988-1992.
Spanish, other language translations
Translation of Art the 4th R into 18 languages
In Spanish, Italian Japanese, Malay, Czech, Taglalog, Russian, Korean, Mandarin, more.
El Mundo De Las Narraciones Digitales
Translated by Eduteka.
Ciudadanía Digital: Una oportunidad para todos
Por Dr. Jason Ohler, traducido por Eugenia Tamez (
(Este artículo apareció originalmente en el sitio de publicación Corwin.)
La Educación del Carácter en la Era Digital
"Character Education for the Digital Age" originally published in Educational Leadership translated by Eduteka, May, 2011
Alfabetismo Digital: Un decálogo para la acción
El Educador, Año 4, n.º14, julio 2008
not available
El Arte De Contar Historias Virtuales
El Educador, Año 4, n.º14, julio 2008
not available
The first chapter of Jason's 2007 book Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning and Creativity, translated and published by by Eduteka.
ARTE: La Cuarta Competencia Básica En Esta Era Digital
Art Becomes the 4th R," originally published in Educational Leadership, translated and published by by Eduteka, 2003.
El Arte De Contar Historias Virtuales
"The World of Digital Storytelling," originally published in Educational Leadership, translated and published by by Eduteka.
not available